Because Spence and I are both away from our extended families, my cute mom organized a long distance baby shower. We received lots of packages and cards and were able to open them together the weekend of Valentine's Day to shower the baby with love. We are so appreciative of our great families- thank you for the wonderful gifts and the money as well. We love you all!

An awesome diaper bag and stroller "bundle me" from Ed and Lorie.

Diapers from Grandma Jones- I wish I could say we won't need them all, but I know we will!

Cute outfits from Ken and Lisa. Their kids are always dressed so cute, so I'm glad our little one will be able to fit in.

A super soft blanket and baby doll from Grandma Edna and Aunt Shirley. My legs were cold the other day and I used this blanket- I just couldn't resist.

Another cute blanket from Aunt Michiko. It has the coolest pattern quilted into the back. It will be one of the baby's favorites.

Another cute dress from Amy's cousin Trish. I can't wait to dress up this sweet little girl.

That won't fit Spencer- but his Aunt Leslie sure has great taste.
Like I said, we also received lots of cards, so many thanks to Aunt Connie, Grandma June, Grandpa and Grandma Porter, Grandma Edna and Aunt Shirley. We will let you know what fun things we buy with your gifts.