Thursday, April 15, 2010

Happy One Month Birthday!

I truly cannot believe our little Reesey Piecey is a month old! It has gone by so fast, but at the same time it feels like it's been forever. We are mostly loving it :) Last week we ended up taking Reese to the doctor and she was diagnosed with acid reflux. Now that she is taking her medicine, things have greatly improved and she is so much happier (and so are we.) She is getting really big- I'm sure she is 10 pounds at least. She has graduated from the newborn diapers to size 1. She is rapidly outgrowing her clothes too. Her newborn size onesies are pretty tight accross that big belly. She sleeps great at night and eats well. She loves to look out the window, especially when it's sunny. She also likes to look at herself in the mirror. She is starting to be more interactive and will mimic your facial expressions. She kicks her legs like crazy and loves to make noise. We actually had her sleeping in her own room after a couple of days because she makes so much noise in her sleep. I call her "Little Grunties."

Reese has had some visitors. My sister Megan came up to see her- she was so excited. Her original plan was to come and be with us in the hospital- but luckily my Dad put a stop to that right quick. It was fun to see the two of them together- Megan will be a fun aunt.

Granda Roberta Jones (the R in Reese) came up too. It was fun to have 4 generations of women together. We had a great time chatting and playing games.

Easter was nice. We watched conference and then had a nice dinner at my parents. We tried to take a family picture, but Reese was not being cooperative. Probably because we made her take a picture with the dog first.


Jessica A said...

Hey Watt's fam! I just found your blog and it looks like it's just in time too! Congrats on the baby, she is just beautiful! Hopefully now we can keep in touch better. We would love to be invited to your blog.
My e-mail is

Unknown said...

Glad to hear you got her diagnosed. Jack has had acid reflux for about three months now. It' NO fun. I'm hoping his is finally tapering off. The medicine makes him happy but the puddles of spit up that form in my shoes are starting to get real old.

jhoopes said...

Sounds like the perfect EAster