Monday, May 24, 2010


So I feel like a special time in my life is now over. Tonight, Spence and I watched the final episode of "Lost." I am so happy- and so sad. We started watching "Lost" while they were broadcasting the third season. It was the middle of the semester, and Spence and I would stay up until 3am watching the first and second season to catch up. Some of the most fun nights ever were watching "Lost" on Wednesday's with the Wimmers, the Lewis' and the Binghams. The night we all dressed up for the season 5 finale was hands-down one of the most awesome times ever! (Spence and I are on the far right in the picture- he was Richard and I was Charlotte.) We introduced the Latimers to "Lost" when we stayed with them in Mountain Green. We spent almost the whole weekend in front of the TV but we had the greatest time. The finale was great- everything we needed it to be and more. I know I sound a little crazy- but we got attached to this show and it really did provide such good times with friends and each other. It is the end of an era!


sara said...

Oh my heck, those costumes are wonderful! Well done:)

Mandy@ a sorta fairytale said...

I found you, again! :-) Good post! Yes, Lost was an amazing show!!