Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Great Pumpkin

 Spence and I carved our pumpkins last week with our good friends Brett and Jenna Alvey. They are a dentist and an orthodontist, so they carved a tooth with a bracket on it- it was awesome but I didn't get a picture. I carved Big Blue- the USU mascot. In real life he looks like this:


But my pumpkin looks like this:
I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. Spence decided to be overly ambitious and carve the Death Star from Star Wars. Where is his picture? Well, he hasn't quite finished it yet. When he does, I'll put up a picture.

Last night my family had us over for FHE and we carved Reese's pumpkin. Spence did most of the work. I love it- I think it turned out so cute. We had to put Reese in a pretty silly Halloween costume to take her picture with it.


The Bowldens said...

no way!!!! those are so cute!!!

jhoopes said...

Sweeeet work on the pumpkins! I love your dedication to your alma mater and I love Reese's! Very clever. That actually came up last night at dinner--Emmy wanted a candy and Jake said, "That's a Reese's peanut butter cup" and Emmy said, "Baby Reese can't have candy!" It was so funny!! Can't wait to see the DEATH STAR!!