Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Reese is 4 months old (plus a little bit)

So I'm a little behind, but on July 15th our little Reese turned 4 months old. She is now 15 pounds (90th percentile) and 26 inches long (off the charts!) We have a big girl. This has been a great month for her developmentally. She can roll over from her back to her tummy. The bad thing is she hasn't figured out how to get back yet, so after awhile she gets upset and we have to help her flip over. But she will get the hang of it. We didn't get to see her roll completely for the first time, but I went to check on her while she was napping and I found this...

She had her first full-out laugh the other day. Not for me, not for Spence but for my boss at the dentist office. I come in to help out every once in awhile. I was up at the front desk and Reese was in her play gym in the back room and all the sudden I hear her cracking up. It was awesome. She is such a happy kid anyway, I knew it was just a matter of time.

She loves her little gym. That flower thing is a mirror and she loves talking to her little buddy. She also likes sitting up in her BeBe Pod chair. She is such a good baby and likes to play with us or by herself, which is a huge blessing. I don't want to jinx myself, but I hope all our kids are this delightful.

We were in Utah for 10 days and Reese did great on both 12 hour car rides. We had a chance to bless her at Spencer's parents' home. She wore the dress that I was blessed in and we wrapped her in the blanket Spencer was blessed in. It was fun to have her a little bit older because she was super awake and happy. She talked and cooed through part of the blessing. She and I are so lucky to have Spencer as the head of our family!

Reese brings so much joy to our lives. I am so lucky that I get to stay home and play with her all day. She is really starting to show her little personality and I have seen so much love, humor, kindness and independence from her already. She is just awesome!


sara said...

Yay for babies! She is getting so big. I'm glad things are going so good for you guys! What television series are you enjoying now that Lost is over? We need something new.

jhoopes said...

Those are some ADORABLE pictures of Reese! I love those smiles! I am glad to see you posted this today because after I read it, I thought I was behind today when we know how you can tell when someone isn't reading your blog because they ask you questions about stuff you've posted??? I didn't want to be that friend. ha ha :) But I have been behind on my blog-reading!

The Lotts said...

Very cute! Glad to hear you three are doing well :)