Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Happy 6 month birthday!

Reese had her 6 month birthday last week. Her doctor's appointment went great- she is 18 pounds 4.5 ounces and 27.3 inches long. Both are in the 90-95th percentile so we have a big healthy girl. She needed two shots; the first one she didn't even blink and the second she cried for like 2 seconds, I picked her up and then she smiled at the nurse. I think our biggest news is that she has two teeth. They came out of nowhere- she hadn't been fussy or anything, and then one morning I was wiping her gums and there they were. She looks like a little jack-o-lantern!

Reese drools constantly, so she is always wearing a bib. I hate it because it covers up her cute clothes, but oh well. She is such a happy girl. She smiles constantly and laughs a lot. I am always meeting new people because anytime we are out in a store or a restaurant Reese is making new friends. People stop me in the aisle to tell me what a beautiful, happy baby I have. I usually just agree with them. But really- just look at this little babe!

She is sitting up on her own a lot, but she will still topple to the side sometimes so we have to be careful. She can roll from her back to her tummy either to the left or right now but still won't roll back. However, now she is straightening her arms and lifting her chest up. She wants to crawl SO bad. I fear she will have it figured out before too long and then there will be no stopping her!

She has discovered her wrists. She will hold a toy and wave it back and forth and rotate her wrist around. She still loves to read books. I got sick of all ours already so we are going to the library once a week to stock up on new titles. Her favorite song of the moment is "In the Leafy Treetops". She also likes to sit at the piano with Granddaddy and make music.

She absolutely loves to eat. We let her sit in the high chair at Applebee's last week and she went nuts. She was so excited to be at the table with us like a big girl. She eats her normal rice cereal, pureed fruits and veggies but she has also tried bacon, lime jello, broccoli cheese soup, pancake, chicken, and macaroni and cheese. We are also working with a sippy cup and she is getting the hang of it.

And I saved the best for last- she is giving hugs and kisses. Kind of. She will wrap her arms around your neck and squeeze your neck skin in her hands and suck on your face. It's so funny and it actually kind of hurts, but we love it. For awhile she was wanting to suck on our noses, but she bit me last week so we don't do that anymore. Anyway- that's probably way more than anyone even wanted to know. I just love this baby and how much she has grown up. She changes each and every day. She is so happy and content but she has a stubborn streak in her too (she gets it from Spence.) So at some point we are going to have our hands full.


Jodee said...

awe, she is adorable! It's funny, when you said you are constantly meeting new people out and about because of her happy smiles at everyone. It totally reminded me of Madison, I would always have people telling me how happy and cute she was, and still do. I am sure Reese will grow up to be a sweet little girl too.

jhoopes said...

call us call us call us call us...

Meg said...

Stubborn streak... from Spence? Come on now Amy, don't lie. I can't believe how much Reese has changed since we last saw you guys! Can't wait to see you next week, hooray!