Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Halloween Movie Countdown #3

The Addams Family is a classic. It's funny how all of these movies really make me miss my sister Kara. She was always into the spooky stuff- she loved these movies, Goosebumps books, Unsolved Mysteries and all that kind of stuff. She was Wednesday Addams for Halloween one year; we didn't get to buy costumes so she wore this old black dress of my Mom's with a big white lace collar. She did her hair in braids, but they were super-thick because she has more curly hair then anyone I've ever seen. Pretty much all of my childhood memories involve her in some way- she was my best friend growing up and is still one of my all time favorite people. So this Halloween movie is dedicated to her :)

1 comment:

jhoopes said...

I love your tradition! Fun posts on the Halloween movies. I am waiting to see how many there are! I remember watching The Wizard of Oz and well, that's about it!