Monday, October 25, 2010

Halloween Movie Countdown #5

So this is a total guilty pleasure movie for me- and probably lots of you. When I started reading the Twilight series we were driving to St. George for Thanksgiving and I probably said 3 words to Spence the whole drive down there. I don't think these novels will go down in history as the best written things ever, but they sure were fun to read. Spencer has been a great husband and has seen all 3 movies with me- he thinks they have gotten better and I actually do to. Twilight has more angst and awkward moments then 1,000 first dates. It cracks me up that Edward and Bella are supposed to be madly in love but they don't even act like they like each other! I know there are a lot of opinions on this but I must say that I do not think Robert Pattinson is attractive. Feel free to comment if you feel otherwise :) But vampires and teen drama make this a super fun Halloween movie.


Mandy@ a sorta fairytale said...

Ha ha I can honestly say that I am not a big twilight fan, but I do watch the movies because they are mildly entertaining.
And I think I'm one of the few that doesn't find Robert Pattinson attractive. But I suppose I can see why people do. :-)

jhoopes said...

I think he's very good-looking!!