Thursday, October 14, 2010

Happy 7 month birthday Reese!

Reese will be 7 months old tomorrow. I can't believe how much she has grown. She is just a little person with her own personality and her own opinions. She becomes more and more fun as each day goes by, and a lot has happened in this last month.
This is not the cutest picture of her, but it shows her two top teeth that have come in. They are still working their way down, but they are here. Just in time for Halloween; we have a little Jack-O-Lantern baby. She chews on everything. I love to see her smile and laugh with those cute little teeth sticking out.
Reese's absolute favorite thing in the world is sitting in her blue bouncy chair and chewing on her Winnie the Pooh toothbrush. I usually save them for the end of her cycle. When she gets fussy before her nap, I can put her in the chair with her toothbrush and she will last another 10-15 minutes.

She is really starting to figure out what her body can do. If she is sitting in her Boppy and you are behind her, she will arch back and look at you, and then sit back up and play and then do it all over again. When you hold her so she is standing up, she wants to turn in circles like in her Exercauser. She loves to pat things with her hands- she actually hits pretty hard as our poor dog found out when he took a right hook to the face. She also pulled our some of the hair on his ear- whoops. It will be nice when we can teach her to 'be soft.' She has had so much fun staying here at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Anytime Bicho (the dog) or Soup (the cat) are around she is watching their every move and smiling away.
Reese has become my little buddy. It is so fun to do everything together. I love having her with me and being able to talk to her and teach her things. We sing a lot and read books. I can tell how much she wants to know everything, so I try to tell her as much as possible. I know it's so early, but she really looks at me and listens. She is doing great with signing, she doesn't sign back yet (except for 'milk' and only when she gets really impatient) but she knows what we mean when we sign to her.

Here is a little video of her and me playing together. I sound pretty dorky but she has the cutest laugh and you can see her teeth. Enjoy!


Brittney said...

Your little girl is adorable!!! I didn't know or forgot you had a baby either way congrats! She is so cute, I bet you and Spencer make awesome parents! And I think you are so smart for talking a lot to your little girl!

jhoopes said...

She is so stinkin' cute. But you already know we think that about little Reesie. We'd love to see her sometime besides church (hint hint).