Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Reese is 11 months old!

One more month and we will have a 1 year old! That is just CRAZY. Reese is really growing up. She has such personality- she is sweet and stubborn and smart and totally awesome.

Badger Face

This month has brought some changes in her. She is still talking constantly but it has changed. Instead of just 'da da da da' over and over she really changes up the syllables and jabbers. I think she is really wanting to say things- she will get intense and you can tell she is thinking really hard.

Just today she got the hang of walking with her little plastic car/ walker. She gets more and more brave each day trying to walk between the furniture and stuff. Here is a little video of it.

She wants to feed herself more now. She will still take pureed stuff in a spoon but she needs finger foods in between to keep herself occupied. She does really well but it sure gets messy. We are trying to let that go and just roll with it. She will feed herself a bottle too, but we still hold her most of the time because that's as close to cuddling as we get. Also- we have started her on cow's milk. We had been working on it and she just wasn't loving it. But the other day she figured out how to drink out of my Camelbak. So we gave her some milk in it and she went to town. Now she has her own little mini camelbak and has milk with every meal.

Also- she likes to put bites on top of her sippy cup and then eat it off the lid. She will do that with toys too- put them on top of something and then pick them up with her mouth.

She is back to enjoying being read to. She will take a book off the shelf and sit and look at you like 'hey- come read this to me.' She picks the same ones over and over- Hand Hand Fingers Thumb, Gossie and Gertie, Count my Kisses, and I Love You Through and Through.

She loves to be chased. All you have to say is "I'm gonna get you..." and she'll take off. She also likes being tickled but only if she is in the mood. But when she is she will just laugh and laugh and it's so cute.

We are trying to give her (and me) more social interaction. We go to play group on Tuesdays and to story time at the library on Fridays. She does well with other kids for the most part. She just doesn't like it when they pull her hair.

She is in a big-girl car seat now. She is well over the weight requirement so we went ahead and faced her forward. She loves being able to see where we are going. She can also see us, which makes her whine a little bit more but she it figuring things out.

 She is just super cute and getting so big and next month she will be 1 year old!


Mandy@ a sorta fairytale said...

Oh that little Reese just melts my heart!! It's so fun to be able to see her learn and grow up (some in persona but mostly through your blog!). Bennett LOVES to be chased, too. He laughs SO hard when you tell him "I'm gonna get you!" And he just crawls away SO fast giggling hysterically. and YAY for being forward facing in the car seat. They love it!

Kaitie Jayne said...

I can't believe that Reese is almost 1 year old -- oh how time flies! I love her jabberings! She is adorable!

jhoopes said...

She is just super cute!! 1st birthdays are so exciting!! It will be here so SOON.