Reese and I were able to spend the weekend in Utah. Before I tell you about it just let me say I'm sorry to all my wonderful Utah friends who I didn't get to see. This weekend was all about family.
We flew out Friday morning. I have no idea how people travel with babies by themselves. I am so glad I had Mom and Dad to help me with all my stuff! Reese did awesome. She slept during take off, woke up and played during the flight and then fell asleep right before we started our descent. It just could not have gone any better. The reason we went to Utah was for Grandma Edna's 90th birthday. She didn't know that Reese and I were coming, and it was so fun to surprise her. She is an amazing lady.
Friday night we had a bridal shower for my sister Megan. Reese got to meet her great-aunts on my Mom's side. Everyone just loved her of course. She was all smiles for everybody.
On Saturday, Ed and Lorie came down to see us. We went out to Grandma and Grandpa Porter's house in Bountiful. They were thrilled to meet Reese. Grandma Shirley Porter is the "S" in Reese's name. Ed and Lorie took us out to lunch at Wingers- yummy- and then we went shopping for some father's day gifts. I'm so glad I got to see them for a minute- Reese was too. She has grown so much since they came up to see her when she was just 3 weeks old!

Sunday was Grandma Edna's 90th birthday. We had a big party at Layton Park to celebrate. Lots of our family and friends were there and again Reese was so great. We really have the best baby. She smiled at everyone and was passed around. It was great to celebrate Grandma Edna and her many accomplishments. Her cousin and neighbor came down from Idaho and were able to tell us stories from when they were all young and growing up. It was so fun. We enjoyed the rest of the day just hanging out. Grandma Edna loves Reese so much. It was fun to see them talk to each other and play together. I took some video, which will be fun for Reese when she is older so she can remember her Great- Grandma. We took a walk later and Reese sat up in her stroller for the first time. She loved being able to look ahead and see where we were going. Unfortunately it was cold (in June- come on!) so we had to bundle her up really good. We played games that night with Megan and her fiancee Boone and Josh and Kara came over too. They read Reese "Underwear" which was always our favorite book and Grandma Edna's house.

Monday we went shopping for Reese at the Carter's outlet in Salt Lake. Josh was the worst- he just kept holding things up and saying "Kara look how cute- we have to get her this." Reese is so spoiled. I'm hoping she will get some cousins soon the balance things out. Monday night we flew home and Reese was excellent on the plain again (the 3 year old sitting behind us was not!) We were both so excited to see Spencer. The whole way home she just looked at him and smiled. It was a wonderful weekend, but it was nice to get home again. I love my family- immediate and extended- and I am so grateful for my knowledge that we can be together forever!