Love this movie- Love It! Definitely my favorite Halloween movie. I don't like scary movies, just fun ones. I watch this every year- today we watched it with my whole family and we had an awesome time. I thought I would also include a list of previous Halloween countdown movies.
- Addams Family Values
- Beetlejuice (I watched it this year and hated it- not worthy of a blog post)
- Van Helsing
- Death Becomes Her
- The Nightmare Before Christmas
- Corpse Bride
- The Village
- Witches
- Teen Witch
- Practical Magic
- Dracula Dead and Loving It (Mel Brooks- funny but a little inappropriate)
- Bewitched
I hope everyone's Halloween was spooky and full of treats!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Halloween Movie Countdown #11
I think I'm out of nerdy stories. Oh wait- I'm not. This one doesn't have to do with this particular movie but with the books in general. So you know how when you get your senior pictures done you can take props? Like all the football players take a football etc. Well I took the Harry Potter books- there were 4 at the time. My word, I can't believe I'm embarrassing myself like this.
I love this movie. I love them all. I can't wait to go to Universal Studios in Florida and see Harry Potter Land!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Halloween Movie Countdown #10
This was the first Harry Potter that Spence and I got to enjoy together. It came out during the Summer that we lived with my parents while Spence was doing his internship. I worked for my Dad and his office rented out a theatre to do a special preview for their clients. I helped organize the event, so my whole family dressed up. I was Hermione complete with a time turner that I made and an old book on fairies. Spence was Neville and had a stuffed frog that croaked when you squeezed it. Mom was McGonagal, Dad was Dumbledore and Almen was a quidditch player. We had a trivia contest before with prizes like wands, Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans, tattoos and stickers. The best part was as we were leaving, all the people were lining up to see the midnight showing. It was awesome.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Halloween Movie Countdown #9
This came out in 2005 while I was in college. But rewind to earlier in my life. My Dad and I went to London and Paris for my senior trip. We had such an awesome time seeing the sights. Of course while we were in London we had to hit up Kings Cross Station and find Platform 9 3/4. Unfortunately, platforms 9 and 10 were closed for construction, so they moved the Platform 9 3/4 sign to a random wall so people could still take pictures of it.
Then when we were in Paris we were walking around (I think we were lost actually) and we saw in a toy store a Harry Potter made entirely out of Legos. Now please don't judge- this is probably the worst picture of me EVER TAKEN. Hopefully most of you know that I clean up nice.
On a side note- this is Spencer's favorite of the HP movies.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Halloween Movie Countdown #8
I bought the official posters for all the Harry Potter movies when I was in high school. I took them to college with me and had them up in my dorm my first semester along with tons of stuff from Pirates of the Caribbean, Chicago and some Disney stuff. Seriously- my walls were completely covered. Before Spencer and I ever met, he and his buddies helped my roommate Erin move in at the end of that first semester (but he and I didn't meet until 2 years later). He says he remembers seeing my room and thinking it was nuts that I had that much movie stuff. I don't know if he really remembers that, but after that first semester, I took everything down- it was time to be a little more mature. I still love it though :)
So yeah- look behind us in this picture- I can't believe I'm posting this!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
The Great Pumpkin
Spence and I carved our pumpkins last week with our good friends Brett and Jenna Alvey. They are a dentist and an orthodontist, so they carved a tooth with a bracket on it- it was awesome but I didn't get a picture. I carved Big Blue- the USU mascot. In real life he looks like this:

But my pumpkin looks like this:
I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. Spence decided to be overly ambitious and carve the Death Star from Star Wars. Where is his picture? Well, he hasn't quite finished it yet. When he does, I'll put up a picture.
Last night my family had us over for FHE and we carved Reese's pumpkin. Spence did most of the work. I love it- I think it turned out so cute. We had to put Reese in a pretty silly Halloween costume to take her picture with it.
Halloween Movie Countdown #7
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
So I know I promised some embarrassing old pictures of me- and they are coming. I have been having issues scanning them, but hopefully I will get them up today. But my countdown couldn't wait any longer- I'm running out of time and there are so many more movies to talk about!
Before this movie came out they were doing a big promotion with Coke to win a trip to England. At the Safeway they had a big cardboard stand-up of Harry and Malfoy flying on the broom sticks. I asked them if I could have it. I wrote my name and number on it and they called me when it was time to throw it away. The embarrassing thing was that I wrote my name and number huge on the back, so tons of people at school saw it and asked me about it. My mom kept it in their game room for a long time, used it for seminary and took it to girls camp. I was Hermione for Halloween that year too.
Here I am- probably a sophomore in high school.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Halloween Movie Countdown #6
Movie #2 in the Twilight Saga is, in my opinion, werewolf-sized leaps and bounds better than the first one. Spence and my Dad both liked it better- they thought the werewolves butched it up a little because, as my Dad put it, the vampires are kind of femmy. So they are both definitely on Team Jacob. Which team are you on? Bookwise I am on Team Edward, even though he can be kind of a jerk. But moviewise I'm on Team Jacob- Taylor Lautner is a lot cuter than Robert Patinson. But of course neither are as cute as Spencer :)
Halloween Movie Countdown #5
So this is a total guilty pleasure movie for me- and probably lots of you. When I started reading the Twilight series we were driving to St. George for Thanksgiving and I probably said 3 words to Spence the whole drive down there. I don't think these novels will go down in history as the best written things ever, but they sure were fun to read. Spencer has been a great husband and has seen all 3 movies with me- he thinks they have gotten better and I actually do to. Twilight has more angst and awkward moments then 1,000 first dates. It cracks me up that Edward and Bella are supposed to be madly in love but they don't even act like they like each other! I know there are a lot of opinions on this but I must say that I do not think Robert Pattinson is attractive. Feel free to comment if you feel otherwise :) But vampires and teen drama make this a super fun Halloween movie.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Halloween Movie Countdown #4

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
I love, love, love the Harry Potter movies. The early ones are so funny to watch now- they were all so young! I think the early movies are a better representation of the books, but I like that the later films took on a more artistic approach. I am really excited for #7 to come out in November. Spence and I have been toying with the idea of hitting up a midnight movie. We'll see- babies change things, don't they? But the Harry Potter movies are classic October movies, and I have some pretty nerdy stories to share as I watch each movie, so stay tuned :)
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Halloween Movie Countdown #3
The Addams Family is a classic. It's funny how all of these movies really make me miss my sister Kara. She was always into the spooky stuff- she loved these movies, Goosebumps books, Unsolved Mysteries and all that kind of stuff. She was Wednesday Addams for Halloween one year; we didn't get to buy costumes so she wore this old black dress of my Mom's with a big white lace collar. She did her hair in braids, but they were super-thick because she has more curly hair then anyone I've ever seen. Pretty much all of my childhood memories involve her in some way- she was my best friend growing up and is still one of my all time favorite people. So this Halloween movie is dedicated to her :)
Friday, October 15, 2010
Halloween Movie Countdown #2
Reese and I watched Casper this morning. Casper came out in 1995 so I was ten and I remember loving it. Why? Because of this: That is Devon Sawa, and any girl my age LOVED him! What a dream boat. I figured out today that he was actually born in 1978 so when Casper came out he was 17! Doesn't he look like he is 12 in this picture? Anyway, like all old movies we loved when we were kids, it was fun to watch Casper but I don't think I'll need to see it again for a long time. I have my own dream boat now :)
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Happy 7 month birthday Reese!
This is not the cutest picture of her, but it shows her two top teeth that have come in. They are still working their way down, but they are here. Just in time for Halloween; we have a little Jack-O-Lantern baby. She chews on everything. I love to see her smile and laugh with those cute little teeth sticking out.
Reese's absolute favorite thing in the world is sitting in her blue bouncy chair and chewing on her Winnie the Pooh toothbrush. I usually save them for the end of her cycle. When she gets fussy before her nap, I can put her in the chair with her toothbrush and she will last another 10-15 minutes.
She is really starting to figure out what her body can do. If she is sitting in her Boppy and you are behind her, she will arch back and look at you, and then sit back up and play and then do it all over again. When you hold her so she is standing up, she wants to turn in circles like in her Exercauser. She loves to pat things with her hands- she actually hits pretty hard as our poor dog found out when he took a right hook to the face. She also pulled our some of the hair on his ear- whoops. It will be nice when we can teach her to 'be soft.' She has had so much fun staying here at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Anytime Bicho (the dog) or Soup (the cat) are around she is watching their every move and smiling away.
Reese has become my little buddy. It is so fun to do everything together. I love having her with me and being able to talk to her and teach her things. We sing a lot and read books. I can tell how much she wants to know everything, so I try to tell her as much as possible. I know it's so early, but she really looks at me and listens. She is doing great with signing, she doesn't sign back yet (except for 'milk' and only when she gets really impatient) but she knows what we mean when we sign to her.
Here is a little video of her and me playing together. I sound pretty dorky but she has the cutest laugh and you can see her teeth. Enjoy!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Halloween Movie Countdown #1
So every October I put together a list of movies to watch as a countdown to Halloween. This year we started with Return to Oz- not an official Halloween movie but creepy none-the-less. My sister Kara and I used to watch this all the time when we were kids. It had been years since I had seen it but I totally remembered being scared by the Wheelers and the crazy lady who takes her head off. Spence was a trooper and endured watching it with me, and it really is a dumb movie with bad writing and horrible backdrop sets. But it was fun and got me excited to see what comes next from Netflix.
Just Wondering
So I thought I would try just blogging some of my thoughts. I pretty much just write about Reese, but there have been some things I have been wondering about lately.
- Why is it when I finally get into a really good routine with exercising I get sick, or we go on vacation, or it's a holiday, or I get sick again?
- How come Reese always wakes up right when Spence and I are sitting down to dinner?
- Is there some force in the universe that whenever we are able to start saving some money makes something on our cars break?
- Why do I not have the self control to eat healthier? I always have such good plans and then my sweet Mom-in-law sends me Rice Krispie Treats cereal and I eat the whole box.
- How can I make myself enjoy reading the scriptures? I'm working on it, and I'm getting better but I still have so far to go!
- Why don't I use my time more effectively? There was a Cake Boss marathon on TLC today and I didn't get much done.
Anyway- any thoughts or advice would be appreciated. I'm sure many of you wonder about these same things.
- Why is it when I finally get into a really good routine with exercising I get sick, or we go on vacation, or it's a holiday, or I get sick again?
- How come Reese always wakes up right when Spence and I are sitting down to dinner?
- Is there some force in the universe that whenever we are able to start saving some money makes something on our cars break?
- Why do I not have the self control to eat healthier? I always have such good plans and then my sweet Mom-in-law sends me Rice Krispie Treats cereal and I eat the whole box.
- How can I make myself enjoy reading the scriptures? I'm working on it, and I'm getting better but I still have so far to go!
- Why don't I use my time more effectively? There was a Cake Boss marathon on TLC today and I didn't get much done.
Anyway- any thoughts or advice would be appreciated. I'm sure many of you wonder about these same things.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Monster Baby
We had such a fun weekend. We went to Salmon Days on Saturday and I don't know what Reese was doing at the parade, but she was being hilarious. Any time we tried to take her picture she was making this crazy monster face.
We did get a few cute ones though. She is such a babe and she had a great time at the parade, seeing the Salmon in the hatchery and walking around. She fell asleep all slumped over in the baby carrier and everyone kept looking at her and saying how cute she was- we had to agree.
And backtracking a little, we had some visitors on Friday. Our good friends Tommy and Meg Farwell brought little Jaevin up to visit from Utah. We went to Snoqualmie Falls and then to Small Fries for shakes. Then we watched USU kick the trash out of BYU- GO AGGIES! It was so fun to have them here- we miss our Utah friends a lot, and all of you are welcome to come visit any time :)
In other news- Reese is starting to get up on her hands and knees. She needs a little help, but you can tell she wants to be moving around SO bad. She gets on her belly and just juts her head out like when you try to fly in a dream- you know what I mean? You can just tell she is thinking "come on, come on!" It's pretty cute. Before we know it she is going to be all over the place and there will be no stopping her.
We did get a few cute ones though. She is such a babe and she had a great time at the parade, seeing the Salmon in the hatchery and walking around. She fell asleep all slumped over in the baby carrier and everyone kept looking at her and saying how cute she was- we had to agree.
And backtracking a little, we had some visitors on Friday. Our good friends Tommy and Meg Farwell brought little Jaevin up to visit from Utah. We went to Snoqualmie Falls and then to Small Fries for shakes. Then we watched USU kick the trash out of BYU- GO AGGIES! It was so fun to have them here- we miss our Utah friends a lot, and all of you are welcome to come visit any time :)
In other news- Reese is starting to get up on her hands and knees. She needs a little help, but you can tell she wants to be moving around SO bad. She gets on her belly and just juts her head out like when you try to fly in a dream- you know what I mean? You can just tell she is thinking "come on, come on!" It's pretty cute. Before we know it she is going to be all over the place and there will be no stopping her.
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